All these images were transformations of forms and shapes, a women so beautiful, rises from a pattern, again a women unifying with a bug, and a bug created with total inorganic substance. And a total different case; a cat as a hat! The absurdness of all these images charmed me a lot, created a lot of stream. first the nonsense of form that is considered to belong to species totally hit me. The thing we are made of or our form can be changed and the image would still be recognizable. all the restrictions about how an image should be seemed un related to me. And that led me to the point of the restriction of how human body should be. How contemporary world imposes perfect proportions to our minds, and at the same time leading the distortion of bodies with less physical working spaces and high caloried unhealthy diets. That leads people to turn the canons of contemporary world to utopias for themselves.
All that stream brought me the idea of full transformation, a center that offers specifically women a get away from their cycles and gives them a chance for becoming what they always envied of not only the case of forms- that is proved to be deceptive- in the case of soul. I created a brand that offers the change in total sense, a health and beauty center. Giving psychological consults, yoga classes, meditation, life coaching, business consultant, finding new jobs, intellectual debates, phsical exercise classes, dietician services, new dish recipes, health consultant, advices about nursery... I visualized a perfect female proportion, the curve of the weist as an S. And I went to the glyphs and thought about the elegancy of the glyph word and glyph characters. Then by playing with a glyph I created a symbol that expressed my feelings about my brand.
People would go there and have a chance to try changing everything they want to change about themselves.